Thursday 18 March 2010


Footprint Awards May 2011

“The Awards programme exclusively dedicated to recognising contribution to sustainability and environmental excellence in the Foodservice Industry”

Award Entries

You will be able to submit your entries to the Footprint Awards from the 4th October 2010 at The Winners will be announced at an awards event in London in May 2011.

For detailed category information and sponsorship opportunities contact Christophe Stourton at and insert “Footprint Awards” in the subject field.

Award Objectives

The awards will showcase best practice for the benefit of the whole sector – from farmer to fork. The aim of the awards is:

  • To recognise the many innovative ways in which businesses and individuals are making a difference to sustainability in the foodservice industry

  • To provide businesses with the opportunity to showcase their values and approach to sustainability in a genuine environment

  • To raise awareness in the mainstream press of the progress being made in foodservice towards a more sustainable future

  • To attract new talent into sustainability in foodservice from the growing number of students studying sustainability and the environment in further education

14 Award Categories

The majority of the awards will be for organisations and reflect aspects of sustainable practice in general and are not market sector specific. Two, however, are reserved for outstanding individual contribution. The categories are chosen to allow as much innovation as possible to be recognised from all sectors of foodservice and for their ability to stimulate action that reduces impact on the environment.

1. Sustainable Use of Natural Resources Award - entries will be judged on their ability to demonstrate innovation and efficiencies in the use of the earth’s natural resources at any stage in the foodservice supply chain.

2. Innovations in Packaging Award - entries will be judged on how the design of packaging and use of materials has led to an increase in recycling and a reduction in the amount of non-recyclable waste.

3. Sustainable Sourcing Award - entries to this category will need to show how and where their sourcing of sustainable products has benefited the environment and the communities that supply them.

4. Environmentally Efficient Logistics Award – entries should demonstrate where logistical innovation and efficiencies have produced clear environmental benefits, be it through co-ordinated logistics, working collaboratively or the utilisation of a sustainable fuel source.

5. Corporate Social & Environmental Responsibility Award - this award seeks to reward CR initiatives entered into by organisations that bring benefit to both community and the environment.

6. British Supply Award - entrants must demonstrate how buying British has brought benefit to the environment, the sustainability of the supply source and has contributed to the community.

7. Energy Efficiency Award - entries in this category should highlight how energy savings have been made in the foodservice supply chain including the growing, storing, preparing and delivery of food.

8. Best Sustainable Catering Equipment Manufacturer - entries should clearly how innovation in the design and development of more sustainable, energy efficient, catering equipment

9. Best Sustainable Foodservice Installation - entries to this category are invited for the planning and installation of more efficient and sustainable catering establishments.

10. Commercial Benefit Through Sustainable Practice Award - entries must demonstrate where cost savings or business advantage has been created by the introduction of a strategy that supports sustainability.

11. Internal Communications Award - most effective internal marketing and communication of sustainability initiatives that promote involvement in reducing negative impact on the environment and inspire other staff to contribute.

12. Consumer Engagement Award - This category seeks the best foodservice initiatives that have engaged consumer understanding about sustainable practice.

13. Special Achievement Award - organisations can nominate individuals from their own business, or someone they work with who they consider to have made a special contribution to sustainability and the environment.

14. The Community Vote - readers of Foodservice Footprint can nominate and vote for the individual they feel has made the most contribution to promoting sustainability in the foodservice industry.

More information and Media Pack

For detailed category information and sponsorship opportunities contact Christophe Stourton at and insert “Footprint Awards” in the subject field.

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